So once again, this post isn't about my own jewellery, but I've been quite busy lately what with finishing projects for college and what not. Besides next week is half term, so I shall be holed I my room for the most part making things.
But that's the future and this is now. Yesterday I went to Brighton, the most fantastic place for fashion, jewellery and vegetarian food. So for me it is heaven!! There are so many wonderful independent shops, so of course I had to spend all my money there to support them. One of the best shops I found was called Porta, an independent jewellery and accessories shop near The Lanes. Unfortunately, I found this shop on my way back to the train station, so couldn't actually buy anything, as I spent all my money on moustache tattoos (cos you need them). But the owners were extremely kind in letting me take pictures of their wares to show all you lovely people!!
I literally could have spent hours and hundreds of pounds in this place. I particularly loved the silver gift bow ring, which came in gold as well. So sweet!! I also love the tiny people necklaces, I wanted all of them. There was so much unique and original jewellery in this shop, I can't wait for half term so I can get making again!!
There are loads of great shops like this in Brighton but another thing it's brilliant for is flea markets. There is one in particular aptly name the indoor market which is literally a maze of shelves and cases stuffed with interesting bits and pieces. The jewellery in here was great, but a tad out of my price limit as most of it was antique. But it was just nice getting lost among the sparkliness (I think I just created a word....).
So that's my trip to Brighton. I always come back with some wonderful stuff, and I hope I can go back soon!!
So that's it for a bit until I've made some more jewels. I have plenty of ideas!!
Lu X
'A dreaded sunny day'