Monday, 30 April 2012

Damien Hirst Exhibition, London.

Ok, so this one isn't about jewellery but it is about shiny, pretty things which ties in nicely. Also, I don't want to write too much as I want the images to speak for themselves. Basically I went to the Tate Modern today with the college, and found a lot of the work boring, cliched and quite pretentious. You know the stuff, a single chair in the corner, a pile of rubbish in the middle of the room etcetera, etcetera.
But the Hirst exhibition was completely different. After paying a reasonable amount of £12.20 (Hallelujah for student discounts!!), we went into the exhibition. Obviously I wasn't allowed to take pictures, as I'm pretty sure Hirst would have jumped out and hit me round the head with a stuffed shark, or some such thing. So these are pictures from the internet of some of the works we saw, and of course all credit has been given where credit is due.

So there were other pieces, such as the shark, and famous cow that was cut in half. These were both interesting but they didn't really appeal to me. But the pictures I have shown above did. The crystal skull, called 'For the love of God' was actually free to see. Before veiwing this piece, I had thought that it would be a bit tacky and not all that interesting to look at. But you do really have see it to believe it. It is held in a completely pitch black room, so dark that you have to feel along the walls to see where you're going. And then, in the middle of the room under a single spotlight is the skull. Dazzling is the word I would use. Truely dazzling. Each of the 8,601 diamonds shines out with a million different colours. Seeing as it is free to get into the Tate Modern and free to view this, I would seriously recommend it. If not just to tell your grandchildren that you saw that famous skull.

Now the skull was wonderful, but the butterfly pieces were stunning. Words and photos can't really describe how fantastic it was, it has to be experienced. Especially the butterfly room. This was a white room with white canvases, on which Hirst had stuck butterfly cocoons. The room was kept humid, and bowls of fruit and flowers were placed around it. And then the butterflies hatched. Of course this happened right at the start of the exhibition, so when we went in today we were not simply walking into a hot, white room. We were walking into a hot, white room covered in the most beautiful, unique butterflies I've ever seen. There were some as big as your hand, with shimmery wings all the colours of the rainbow. If you stood still they would land on you. Looking up at the ceiling was wonderful, seeing all the butterflies perched daintily with their fabulous wings spread out. It was just amazing. But alas, as this room is so amazing, it is also very popular, so we were only allowed in there for 2 minutes. But it was a fantastic 2 minutes.
The other butterfly pieces I loved were Hirsts pictures made from the wings of butterflies, some of which I have shown above. Now the vegetarian in me said 'REAL wings?!?!? Oh thats horrible!!' But even I admit these pictures are simpley breathtaking. They are made to look like stained glass windows from a church, and in my opinion Hirst achieved what he set out to do. I adore these pictures so much, I have even considered how I am going to scrape together the £30,000 to buy one!!
Well I'm sorry if this description is a bit gushing, but I really cannot begin to describe how these works make you feel. You do really have to experience them.

Well I'm off to buy a lottery ticket,

Lu X

'You're just like heaven'

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Silver lining...

Hello again!! Well it does feel like a while since I last posted, for me anyway. This is largely due to one thing: life. Yes after the blissful laziness of the halfterm, college has begun again, which means new projects, applying for new courses and less time on jewellery. But as I dropped a chair on my foot at college (graceful as always) I've had the past couple of days off, which has given me plenty of time to ponder and create. So there's a few things I want to share with you in this post. This first would be a new piece, which continues with my stars obsession.
I adore this necklace, if I do say so myself. The tiny silver stars were among some of the many treasures that arrived from ebay, and I think that they are so delicate compared to the large statement that the stone makes. This beautiful stone is from another necklace that I purchased from the wonderful Bonbi Forest. This is a fantastic website with lots of lovely jewels, prints and garments for sale. I find it to be a constant inspiration, and thoroughly recommend visiting the website. Anyhoo, after that gushing praise for Bonbi Forest I'm sure you're asking "Why did you dismantle it you silly moo?!?!" Well as I have stated in previous posts, one of the joys of making jewellery is that you can take pieces with fantastic memories that are no longer worn, and create beautiful new things that you are sure to wear all the time!! The original chain for it was gold, which I don't tend to wear as much as silver. The chain was also quite long and I personally prefer the shorter chain as it doesn't get in the way. Nor does it give you a heart attack every time the stone hits the side of the table. I particularly like the way the light shines through it. I also just wanted to share a little bit of where I live. For those of you who don't live in Kent, it's usually referred to as the 'Garden of England'. I'm not sure about where I live as it's a bit of a grey town that seems more at home in a song by The Smiths. But surrounding it is some of the most wonderful countryside you'll ever see. So the place I want to show you today is Wye Downs, a favourite place to take the dog.
This place has so many memories, most of them concerning me moaning after having to walk up the hill. But if you go there just as the sun is setting, it's perfect. Everythings quiet, the air is still and it feels like heaven on earth. Well, apart from the dog barking at you to just throw the ball. But I'm sure that would be up there. After all for me heaven wouldn't be complete without a bonkers Springer Spaniel who spins round in circles.

Lu X

'I prefer the waters edge.'

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

More ways for me to annoy you...

Hello lovely people, You can now follow me on Bloglovin'!! HUZZAH!! Follow my blog with Bloglovin I would also be really happy if you checked out my twitter, it's just up there in the top right-hand corner. Just one little click on the follow button, and I will be eternally grateful. Tahh very much, and I hope to see you in these various places soon!!

Monday, 16 April 2012

Starry Starry Night...

Hello again!!
Recently I've been hit with a period of insomnia, which involves me dropping off at about 11 and then waking up at 4. At first it was pretty horrible, but it's the holidays at the moment, and I don't have much of a social life, so nothings really been affected by it. I have a feeling its to do with jewellery, as (without sounding too up myself) I have so many ideas flying through my head before I doze off, I just can't seem to focus on sleep!!
So apart from frantcially scribbling down ideas in the middle of the night, I can now also be found making things in the early hours of the morning. The dog finds it very amusing. Hopefully my sleep deprived state hasn't affected my making too much.
So..... insomnia..... sleep...... night..... STARS!! I've always loved stars. Well they're naturally shiny, so of course I love them!! I think it is a pretty universal thing, as everyone looks up at the same sky and see's the same sparkly, glittery beauty. Recently I have been searching my boxes (and my mums) for stars, moons and anything that vaguely looks like them. And here's the results.

So this bracelet was made at roughly 4:30 am this morning. I'm not sure where all the beads are from, probably from necklaces broken long ago. I quite like this piece as its delicate. I also love the glass beads, which have a beautiful bluey/purpley sheen on them. I think they do just enough to get it noticed on ones arm, but still allows the bracelet to sit there minding its own business, if you understand me. Basically it's not too overstated.

This bracelet is a tad more sophisticated. Whereas the previous one is unique, this one I think would appeal to more people. Again, I have no idea where the star is from, but the happy little moon face was an odd earing kindly donated by good ol' mum. I love the way they just hang side by side, nice and simple.

I'm still obssessed with all things night, so I feel I need a charity shop rampage soon!! Hopefully I'll get some more sleep before then. Until then, I leave you with this, a beautiful song, about one of my biggest inspirations.

Lu x

'This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you'

Friday, 13 April 2012

Tresure me Heartys!!

Well that treasure arrived much quicker than I thought. Thank god for the British postal service!! After the shame of answering the postman in my pyjamas, I opened the parcel. It was very much like the scene in Raiders of the Lost Arc when they open the box and they gold light pours out, and the mysterious music starts. And my what a collection!! Gold, silver, jewels, pearls, beads and everything inbetween was contained in that little box. I immediantly emptied it onto the table picking through the mess. There were some so-so pieces, but that was to be expected. But there were also some beautiful and unique pieces which I have shown below.

After sorting through, I found some particularly interesting bits. The first would be this pair of earrings whcih seem to depict an african queen. I have no idea how old they, are but they are very worn at the back. I think they are simply wonderful.

I then found this brooch, after accidently pricking my thumb on the pin. After some thorough cursing I saw how delicate the brooch is. The tiny flowers around flowers are round the edge are enamel, but are quite bardly worn. You can only imagine how bright the colours used to be back in it's heyday. The green stone in the middle was extremely loose, so much so that the stone actully fell out!! So I strengthened the clasps holding it in. I think it would make a rather regal ring.
Now these are interesting. I think they are cufflinks, but I would have to ask a manly man about that. They are very old, and I can't quite make out the initials on them, as it is in old fashioned script which is just so difficult to read. I'm not quite sure what I would do with them, but I like to imagine that they blonged to a very refined gentleman who wore tuxedos and had a lovely great moustache.

Last but not at all least, is my absolute favourite piece. It appears to be a bracelet, formed out of small metal illustrations. The pictures are in the style of old medival books,where the figures are very flat, and have simple features. I imagine it to have been a bracelet for a child, as it only just fits around my tiny wrist. There are again no marks on this item, (hugely annoying!!) but it is still wonderful. I particulary like the tag at the end, featuring what looks like a doggy wolfy thing. I'm not entirely sure what to do with it. Part of me wants to dismantle it, maybe turn it into rings, but the other half wants to keep it as it is!! Such a decision!!

Well that should keep me amused for the weekend. I'll be back soon with more creations!!

Lu x

'I see a mansard roof through the trees'

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Just a quick one..

The rings have landed!! As far as I'm concerned, this the one of the simplest and funnest to start making jewellery. (Is funnest a word?? It is now!!) There are many types of ring bases available, but I think the resizable ones are the best, then lots of lovely folk can wear them.
Almost anything can be turned into a ring. As long as you have some super strong glue, everything will look fantastic, and you can give them away, sell them, or keep them. I have found Araldite to be the best glue, even though it must be left over night, it is by far the strongest I have encountered. And so on with the show!!

So these rings were made from old things I found in my jewellery box. The feather is from a dismantled neacklace, which I bought in a sale in Accessorize. Sales, charity shops and boot fairs are ideal places to find interesting bits and pieces. You may recognise some things from my previous post, which are again being put to good use!! Now the Springer Spaniel one is techinaclly my first ever comission!! Alright it's for my mum, but she loved this brooch, and loves Springers, (we all do in this house) and so she wanted something she could wear everyday. I quite like the way it sits on one's hand... I'm still debating whether to charge her or not.

My other favourite here is the Jubilee Ring, as I am now accustomed to calling it. I love how dated this piece looks, and you really do feel quite sophisticated wearing it. I'd love to find some more bits with a royal theme, what with this being the great british year of the Queenie's Diamond jubilee and the Olympics.

I am also rather fond of the porcelain flower ring. It's so delicate, but the amount of detail is amazing. Perfect for the spring!!

I have ordered a large quantity of mixed vintage jewellery from Ebay, so hopefully that should arrive in the next few days. The great thing about these mixed lots is that you're never entirely sure what you're getting, it's almost like discovering treasure!!

Right, now out for an inspiring dog walk around the park,

Lu x

'The rain falls hard on a humdrum town'


Sunday, 8 April 2012

Its just another lonely Sunday..

Well apart from the fact a few Easter eggs were shoved at me (I'm not complaining), nothing much has happened. Oh apart from the wonderful shopping trip with the fabulous Aimee Smith, writer behind Fashion Goes To Hollywood.
Now, I have been faced with a moral dilema. Years ago I was given some wonderful pieces of broken jewellery by a friends mother, as she knew I had an interest. Well I have since stopped talking to this friend, due to erm, well, difference of opinion. So what do I do with the jewellery?? Would it be so terrible to use this stuff?? Well after much mental debating I said yes!! Lets use it!! I do very much regret the way our long friednship ended, but why not make something beautiful out of what remains.

 This is just one of the many amazing brooches I was given. I adore costume jewellery, simply because it is so striking. The square beads are the same as the ones I used in the English Rose bracelet. I love the colour, and they just add a little something to the piece.

Even though the girls mother probably now has a less than lovely opinion of me, I think she would like the fact that her broken jewellery has been put to good use. I know I do. Below are some of the other pieces I was given to give you an idea of forthcoming projects.

Well, must get back to my desk to create more shiny things.
Lu x

'Make a little birdhouse in your soul'

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Let it begin...

So I thought I'd start a blog. I have no idea how successful it will be, it could all end tomorrow, or it could go on forever. I'm hoping for the second option.
Jewellery I hear you shout!! Yes, I love jewellery. New jewellery, old jewellery, broken jewellery...... bascially anything thats shiny. I have been designing bits and pieces for a while and thought, lets do this thing!! So I did.

This bracelet, lets call it 'English rose' was made from dismanteling old bits that I never wore anymore. I love doing this, as somethings I have hold great memories, but I simply don't wear them. So creating something new and beautiful, whilst retaining the memories is perfect. The rose is from a ring I wore in the summer of last year, and the leaves are from the necklace I wore to the prom. Both fun memories!! You'll soon learn that I am very much inspired by nature, and love creating delicate, flowery things.
I also love anything that glitters!! Now I don't know where they come from, so I would be grateful for any feedback, but I have been finding these beautiful butterfly brooches everywhere. Boot fairs, charity shops, all over the place!! Each one is diferent, and I thought that they're so pretty, I should do something with them.
So the necklace is a little bit wonky here, but you get the picture. And when the sunlight hits them, they really do sparkle!! I shall have to keep an eye out for any more, I quite like the idea of a headress...

Well I think that will do for a first post.
Until next time xx

"I will see you in far off places"