Sunday, 8 April 2012

Its just another lonely Sunday..

Well apart from the fact a few Easter eggs were shoved at me (I'm not complaining), nothing much has happened. Oh apart from the wonderful shopping trip with the fabulous Aimee Smith, writer behind Fashion Goes To Hollywood.
Now, I have been faced with a moral dilema. Years ago I was given some wonderful pieces of broken jewellery by a friends mother, as she knew I had an interest. Well I have since stopped talking to this friend, due to erm, well, difference of opinion. So what do I do with the jewellery?? Would it be so terrible to use this stuff?? Well after much mental debating I said yes!! Lets use it!! I do very much regret the way our long friednship ended, but why not make something beautiful out of what remains.

 This is just one of the many amazing brooches I was given. I adore costume jewellery, simply because it is so striking. The square beads are the same as the ones I used in the English Rose bracelet. I love the colour, and they just add a little something to the piece.

Even though the girls mother probably now has a less than lovely opinion of me, I think she would like the fact that her broken jewellery has been put to good use. I know I do. Below are some of the other pieces I was given to give you an idea of forthcoming projects.

Well, must get back to my desk to create more shiny things.
Lu x

'Make a little birdhouse in your soul'

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